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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Alvin Greene For Senate - No Way!

Alvin Michael Greene is the Democratic Party's nominee in the 2010 U.S. Senate race in South Carolina. He is the first African American to be nominated for U.S. Senate by a major party in South Carolina. Greene faces Republican Senator Jim DeMint, Green Party candidate Tom Clements, and write-in candidate Mazie Ferguson, a longtime Democratic Party activist from Sumter in the general election. Greene overwhelmingly won largely white counties in the primary. You think those white voters were not paying attention to who they were voting for? I cannot vote for Alvin Greene. I also can't vote for Jim DeMint. DeMint has quite a string of "No" votes. He pledged to make health care reform President Obama's Waterloo. He voted against implementing the 911 Commission report. He also voted against expanding the Children's health insurance program. I'll do my research on Mazie Ferguson and Green Party Candidate Tom Clements. There is still a choice.

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