Franklin Graham had a fit over being disinvited to a national prayer breakfast May 10, 2010. Graham was disinvited from the prayer day event because of his anti-Islam remarks. Both in words and actions, we notice he is a "chip" off the old block. Graham never learned some of the lessons his father taught. Recently Billy Graham was asked by Larry King on Larry King Live if Muslims could go to heaven. Billy said that that was not for him to decide but that God would sort it out. Billy Graham believes in this simple but profound principle -- the golden rule.
The Bible also tells us, "With humility comes wisdom." Every day I realize I'm just a sinner like everyone else, and I have been forgiven only because of God's grace. God gave us our gifts and abilities. He blessed our efforts. If we start thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to, it takes away from our proper worship of God. Pride blinds us to our own faults.
That's why we should pray not only for our friends but also for our enemies. Prayer is one way we put the golden rule into action. (From Reader's Digest - January 2007)
Franklin Graham's comments regarding Muslims got him disinvited from the prayer event at the Pentagon. In 2001 Franklin Graham opined that Islam is evil. This was not the first time Graham has denigrated Islam, all Islam and not just Islamic fundamentalists who engage in terrorism. Graham finds Islam offensive and he wants Muslims to know Jesus Christ died for their sins. Graham told FOX Network host Gretchen Carlson,
I love Muslim people. . . . I want Muslims everywhere to know . . . that Christ can come into their heart and change them. . . . They don't have to die in a car bomb . . . to be accepted by God. . . They can be free through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone.
The actual invitation to attend the event was issued by the Colorado-based National Day of Prayer Task Force which is headed by Shirley Dobson, the wife of James Dobson. The event is coordinated with the Pentagon's Chaplain Service. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group, objected to the invitation to Graham. The Foundation held the view that Graham's presence would offend Muslim employees at the Pentagon and could imperil U.S. troops by stirring up Muslim extremists. The invitation was rescinded. The Council on American Islamic Relations issued a statement, "To have an individual who calls Islam evil and claims Muslims are enslaved by their faith speak at the Pentagon sends entirely the wrong message..." at a time when hundreds of thousands of our nation's military personnel are currently stationed in several Muslin countries and working with Muslim allies such as Pakistan. Graham criticized President Barack Obama for not using his power to restore Graham's rescinded invitation to the prayer event at the Pentagon. Graham warned the president that "millions of Evangelical Christians that voted for Obama in this last election" likely won't "be at the table next time" because Obama is not giving Graham and his allies their due. Graham ignores the fact that the Evangelical Christians he is talking about did not support Obama in his bid for the White House.
Franklin Graham prayed briefly on a sidewalk outside the Pentagon on the morning of the prayer breakfast. He then moved to the Cannon House Office Building next to the U.S. Capitol to participate in a Christian worship service. The service commemorated the 59th National Day of Prayer. Participating in the event were several hundreds including Members of Congress, the judiciary and the Armed Forces.
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